Monday, June 19, 2006


I have been teaching cycling to my daguther, Namrata, who is 9, for many many days. Her cycle used to have two supporting wheels, and she was quite happy riding it, knowing well that she will not fall down due to the extra wheels. About a month ago, my wife and I decided that Namrata is now quite old to learn to cycle without these supporting wheels and had them removed. Since then, I had been teaching her how to cycle and how to keep one's balance. But I had not been successful so far. She has been afraid that she will fall down. It was quite natural reaction from her. We get used to so many things for support and comfort, and when suddenly one of them gets removed or is removed, we do feel quite at loss.

Well, I tried various tricks to teach her to cycle like mock anger, promising her treats of ice creams. I even rode her cycle to show that there is nothing to be afraid of and that she will not fall down. It is quite another matter that I got carried away riding her cycle and in the process did a little damage to the cycle. I even took her to the terrace of our building so that she can be spared of being watched by her friends.

Nothing seems to have worked. I was getting quite frustated. Yesterday I told her that today is the Father's Day and that the only gift I want from her is to see her cycle, and that all it require from her was little courage. Well, it seems to have worked. Within few minutes, she did learn to cycle and was able to do it without my support. In the end she enjoyed it so much that instead of the usual half an hour practice, she cycled for about one hour. And later in the day, she proudly told all her friends that she had learned to cycle and distributed cholcates among her friends.

Namrata, you made me proud of you on the Father's Day.


Tilly said...

What a fantastic gift! A memory to treasure will stay with you much longer than socks =))
I remember trying to teach my twelve year old when she was maybe six years old but she just didn't have the confidence in herself to do it -personally, i knew she'd be able to do it if she just believed in herself -this is her generally attitude as it happens =) we must have been in the park each weekend for months before she'd managed just a short distance before crashing to the ground in a heap -confidence battered and bruised more than she was =( ..i also tried all the various tricks you mentioned altho i love how you rode your daughters bike with such enthusiasm - do you have a bike Raju?
It took for my daughters friends to come over on their bikes for my daughter to find the determination to learn to ride and now, whilst not fully confident in her own skills, she does manage to stay upright =)

Raju Bathija said...

Thanks for your comments. No, I do not have bike. I had learned to cycle, as most of us do, when I was young.

Kusum Rohra said...

This was really a cute gift :)

Raju Bathija said...

Thanks for your comments.